


Hello bride of 2023! How is preparation and planning going for your wedding day? Perhaps you’ve already spent months planning every detail and you have managed to make everything fit perfectly. The only thing that we would not want you to let slide is the care of your skin in the months leading up to the big day. This is because even if you’ve made sure to have a disciplined skincare routine in this period, you should not overlook the fact that in winter your skin requires different care as it faces new challenges and is constantly exposed to dryness, cracking and other threats.


In those times it’s important to provide a deep cleaning, which along with adequate hydration, can provide extra protection to our skin during the cold season. Below we leave a list of measures that will help you keep your skin hydrated, soft and without cracks.



  1. DEEP CLEANSE. In winter we must remember to stay away from products that remove natural oils from the skin. During this season, remove make-up with a facial balm rich in emollient ingredients. After that, wash with moisturizing or oil cleansers to strengthen the skin barrier. It is also a season in which it’s important to exfoliate to get rid of dead skin, remember to do it every 20 days using soft exfoliants.
  2. SERUM AND VITAMIN E. After the sunnier seasons, it’s always a good time to recover your skin from pigmentation. Applying antioxidant-rich serums that contain vitamin A, C, or E, prior to moisturizing will help the moisturizer penetrate deeply and fight cellular oxidation.
  3. MASKS AND PATCHES. After the serum comes your favorite mask. Go for a hydrating, revitalizing or brightening mask, and  use eye patches to soften the area and fight dark circles.
  4. HYDRATION. As the days go by, the cold of winter grows, so the moisture of your skin must be on point. It is not necessary for the texture of your products to be heavy, it is better to use moisturizers with active ingredients that retain moisture in the skin for longer, such as hyaluronic acid, ceramides or natural oils.
  5. SUNSCREEN. You may think your skin is not threatened by sunlight in the winter, but even in cloudy days UV rays can damage your skin, so it is essential to maintain sunscreen in your winter routine. A protective layer will defend your skin from all the typical winter damage. Remember to touch it up after a while.




For information about Bridal Makeup and Hairstyle write to us at bridal@angiemendoza.com.mx or sent a WhatsApp message to the following link https://wa.link/ghj7ur.

We have a large team of professionals to assist you and your guests.


Angie Mendoza Bridal

📍Querétaro | San Miguel de Allende

☎️ +52 442 487 71 93

💌 bridal@angiemendoza.com.mx

IG: www.instagram.com/angie.mendoza.bridal


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