


We’re talking about the zone that receives the most attention after your eyes. Healthy and smooth lips are key to a spectacular Bridal look. With these tips for the pre-wedding period, you will surely get to the big day more than ready to kiss your love.


  1. GET RID OF BAD HABITS. Start by quitting smoking. Avoid going to bed without removing makeup from your lips. It is important to make an effort to leave them completely free of lipstick with a good make-up remover or natural oil before going to sleep. On your daily life keep from moistening them too much with saliva and chewing them excessively. Take a lipbalm everywhere with you to avoid dryness and resist the temptation to play with them.


2. IMPLEMENT A ROUTINE FOR YOUR LIPS. Let’s start with the scrubs, for lips there are many options, but you can always resort to the classic made of sugar and honey; use it every three days and then apply a balm. The contour of your lips is just as important, as it is an area prone to the appearance of pimples and some other small imperfections. The scrub should also go through there and, of course, a good moisturizer. There are specific creams for this area, just make sure you don’t have allergic reactions in the first days of use.

The sunscreen must cover each part exposed to UV rays, so try to use products that already include it as a component, if you already have the habit of using it all over your face, just spread it to your mouth by adding a balm with sunscreen. To complement the care, do not forget vitamin E, which will help regenerate the skin and give it a better appearance.


3. NATURAL TREATMENTS ARE YOUR NEW BEST FRIENDS. Starting with coconut oil, which has gained popularity in recent years because of its properties that are great for moisturizing the lips; followed by the traditional olive oil and castor oil, excellent natural lubricants. Aloe vera with its strengthening and refreshing qualities, green tea for its antioxidants, and cucumber as moisturizers are also highly recommended to eliminate cracks caused by severe dehydration. In fact, they are active ingredients in many balms that will help you regain flexibility in your lips.


4. HAVE YOUR LIPS LOST A LITTLE COLOR? This is an issue that you should look at with your doctor as it’s most likely due to a vitamin imbalance. As a tip, milk of roses will help you give them a natural and much healthier color due to its high content of vitamin E, good fats and minerals.



For information about Bridal Makeup and Hairstyle write to us at bridal@angiemendoza.com.mx or sent a WhatsApp message to the following link https://wa.link/ghj7ur.

We have a large team of professionals to assist you and your guests.


Angie Mendoza Bridal

📍Querétaro | San Miguel de Allende

☎️ +52 442 487 71 93

💌 bridal@angiemendoza.com.mx

IG: www.instagram.com/angie.mendoza.bridal


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